I've had a number of setbacks which delayed the release of my book. But after persevering with numerous revisions with my editor
Antonia Tiranth, I am at last nearing it's completion and release. I made a previous
post about my signing a contract with eTreasures Publishing, which is based in Marianna, Fl. But the ebook version of "EXIS: gods, ghosts and battered cellphones" wasn't released on time. Anyhow this may be a blessing in disguise since I still don't have a U.S. Tax ID. I haven't had time to go to the US Embassy due to some problems with my passport, which I've also had to fix despite my busy work schedule. I look forward, though, to my book coming out on January 2011, because I already have a (tentative) cover.
Cover art by
Jason Angeles and
Cate Jose
Congrats Anne I hope readers would love you works :)
Hi Mark, that's also my hope. Praying for a successful first book :)
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