Tuesday, December 28, 2010

EXIS Teaser

So here I've written a book. But what is it about? I've been told by some folks that they're intrigued, but they have no idea what to look forward to, so here goes.

In EXIS, I'm presenting four Sci-fi (read: bizarre) tales. The very first is a novella, and the other three are short stories. Here are the back-of-the-book blurbs for each story, in the order in which they appear:

  • Two lovers seek to find their place in the perfect society—a little town in Laguna where there are no strangers, marriage has an expiration date, and everything must be shared...even parents.
  • While the gods of a forgotten age have deserted the world, one remains and awakens a young man to prophesy to a deaf world.
  • Despite having discovered the key to humanity's end, two demon siblings face an identity crisis.
  • In a universe where gods and humans trade roles, the greatest creature ever made breaks free from her confinement, only to be confronted with the greatest bondage of all.
Hopefully, you've found any one of these stimulating enough to want to go get a copy and open the damned thing. But EXIS will come out in ebook first before print. To make it get into print faster, I'm crossing my fingers to up my good fortunes and make lots of ebook sales. :)

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