Monday, July 1, 2013

"Alphonse" in the Philippines Graphic Magazine (July 1, 2013)

The fiction jive seems to have returned to me. I'm getting lots of interesting ideas that can actually be made into stories! I've even tried out something new. Well, I call "Alphonse," which is my latest story, a crime fiction piece, but I'm not really sure what it is. It wasn't my intention to make it just about crime. Anyway, genres are a matter for critics.

Last, last week, I asked around for some interested readers so I could get some comments on my story. Sir Joel Pablo Salud was one of those who volunteered, and to be honest, I was like, "Uh-oh. Prepare for workshop days!" Because during those days in Dumaguete and Bacolod, I got mostly raised eyebrows and awkward reactions bordering on dafuq-did-I-just-read, for my scifi pieces.

I believe no story is perfect. Though I think part of the reason why I stopped writing fiction for a while was all the ouch-level comments I got from stories I wrote two years ago. My fiction hiatus wasn't such a bad thing though, as I discovered my now-first love--poetry.

And back to those who volunteered to read, I was surprised to get mostly positive reactions. And a few days later, Ms. Alma Anonas-Carpio tagged me on Facebook to tell me they're publishing "Alphonse" in the Philippines Graphic Magazine. I was so happy, but then I also panicked. I was like, "Waitaminit is the story in tip-top shape already?!" So I checked and checked my work and well, I guess a panicky mood isn't a good way to get into the revising zone. One needs to be cool and logical. Everything tends to look wrong when you're harried. I wonder why?

But hey, I mean, I trust the editors of Graphic to know their stuff. And it's certainly an honor to grace their pages once more, so I relaxed and just enjoyed my week, knowing that I was able to write something different, and hopefully worthwhile, too. Wait, worthwhile? Actually, I want to write terrifying stories with grit and glamor.

So if you have time, do grab a copy of the July 1, 2013 issue of the Philippines Graphic Magazine, and tell me how "Alphonse" affected you (hopefully it will!).

Available in National Bookstore outlets and other distributors.

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