Thursday, June 27, 2013

Mission: Fave Poem/Story of the Week

To get my bum ass up and reading, I'm going to post about my favorite poem or story for the week (every week). For a writer, the stuff I read are pretty limited. I haven't read Kafka, Murakami, Camus, Le Guin... I haven't even read The Game of Thrones or The Hunger Games.

I'm one of those people who'd rather play games, spend my money on Muay Thai, hand wraps, and running shoes, and watch TV series. Though I do enjoy books by Stephen King, John Grisham, and a host of sci-fi / fantasy writers like Bruce Sterling and William Gibson, I think I need to expand a bit.

For one, I've discovered a gem of a site for speculative poetry, Inkscrawl. I really enjoyed The Mermaid's Winter song by Brittany Warman. It's opening line is fiery and magical-- "In December I string the stars through my hair." I love how the images of white, cold, solitude and winter all come into play to create an icy image you can almost touch

And just to plug this in because I'm shameless like that, I finally got an acceptance from F.J. Bergmann, editor of Star*line. Star*Line is the official newsletter and network instrument of the SFPA (Science Fiction Poetry Association), established in 1978. It is a venue for speculative (including science-fiction, fantasy, and horror) poets and poetry enthusiasts, and features interviews, articles, reviews, member news and letters, association business, and poetry—by members and nonmembers.

Two of my poems, "Caterpillar Man" and "Why I Will Not Attend Your Wedding" will be published in one of their upcoming issues. Did a lot of work and re-work for those two pieces, but they made it through in the end, and now they have more muscle. Will post more on this when I have more on this.

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