Sunday, April 28, 2013

More Good News: Acceptance Letter from The Finger Magazine

The Finger is an international literary journal based in Finger Lakes Community College (FLCC).

FLCC is a part of the State University of New York (SUNY). Got that part from wikipedia :)

My poem "The Podium" will be featured in their Spring 2013 issue. That piece was actually a surprise. I wrote it in such a way that it would reflect the current politics in the Philippine literary community, but it would still resonate with readers from other countries. Though I wasn't sure if I wrote it clear enough... I wanted to make it accessible since cliques aren't solely the bane (boon?) of Philippine literati circles. They're everywhere. Having published short form poetry in several international journals, I've also seen some disappointing backstabbing and mudslinging going on among the writers and their leaders.

Sometimes we dirty ourselves because we want to win (in a contest). Sometimes we've already won our spot and just want to eternalize ourselves on the pedestal. But that's just me spoiling the poem for the (future) readers... I'll stop now.

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