Monday, September 9, 2013

Chrysanthemum and The Transnational (formerly PostPoetry Magazine)

I've been blessed with two acceptances this month. Yes, you win some you lose some, indeed. I'm currently working on my fiction and getting them "out there". But I've been getting rejected a lot. :( I'll keep writing while I'm at it. It's good that my poetry is meeting more success. So all's well that ends well. Thank you for believing in my work, Chrysanthemum and The Transnational.

From Chrysanthemum:

Dear Anne Carly Abad,

All texts were well received.  We are pleased to publish "arid" and "the sound of a key" along with the translation into German in the upcoming Chrysanthemum 14, October 2013. 

Thank you again for your submission and your patience.  It is highly appreciated.

Best wishes,
Beate Conrad

Beate Conrad, managing editor
About Chrysanthemum:  It "is an international internet magazine that will appear twice a year, and will showcase previously unpublished Haiku/Senryû, Tanka, Haibun, Essays and Interviews in German and English."

And from The Transnational (formerly, PostPoetry Magazine):

Dear Anne,

Thank you very much for your submission to the PP Mag. I enjoyed reading your poems and decided to publish the following of those on the website of The Transnational:
Remains and

Sarah Katharina Kayß,
ed. The Transnational, A Literary Magazine
ed. PostPoetry, A Literary Magazine

The Transnational's manifesto: "Texts which are published in the Transnational can dissolve existing boundaries or suggest new ones. They can make us question our beliefs, champion social justice and human rights, war and psychological violence, giving rise to provocative or soothing thoughts. We believe that all great literature is revolutionary and necessary. Great writers are honest. They call upon us as readers to experience the intangible."

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